Abiding Savior Academy Mission Statement


A Classical Christian Culture Growing Mind, Body & Spirit


At Abiding Savior Academy, we envision graduates who:

ARE CHRIST-CENTERED [Luke 24:27; Ephesians 1:19-23]

  • Are engaged in a personal relationship and walk with Christ [John 15:1-11; Colossians 1:10]
  • Walk in daily forgiveness of sin through Christ [Luke 7:36-50; John 1:29; Ephesians 1:7-8]
  • Extend Christ’s forgiveness to those around them [Matthew 6:12, 18:21-22]
  • Experience the peace and joy of being God’s children [Romans 5:1-5]
  • Are being fed weekly within the body of Christ [Acts 20:7; Hebrews 10:25]
  • Are active and joyfully exercising their spiritual gifts [1 Peter 4:10]
  • Value and defend life [Genesis 1:27]

We value being Christ-Centered as demonstrated by our belief that through faith in Christ Jesus our sins are forgiven, we are made a new creation, and we have a new relationship with God characterized by peace. Christ is the foundation of our lives and the assurance of our salvation, and
as a response to this new identity with Him by grace through faith; we extend grace towards our fellow human beings. Our faculty, sta[, and pastors endeavor to model Christ’s character as we support parents committed to raising children who know and love Jesus Christ.

ARE BIBLE-BASED [Psalm 119:105; John 17:17]

  • Have a working knowledge of the Old and New Testaments and who understand the storyline that ties them together.
  • Submitting their lives to the authority of scripture [2 Timothy 3:15-17]
  • Engage in life-long discipleship [Jeremiah 15:16; Acts 20:32]
  • Become life-long students of God’s Word.

We value a Bible-Based world view as demonstrated by our recognition of the authority of Scripture, specifically as contained in the Old and New Testaments. We submit our lives to the Scriptures as God’s Word for us today and we view the world and our lives through the truth of Scripture.

ARE FAMILY-FOCUSED [Genesis 2:23-24; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Ephesians 5:22-6:4]

  • Value and honor the God-ordained institution of marriage and family.
  • Recognize and contribute to the priority of family

We value a Family-Focused education as demonstrated by our belief that families are the first, best and most influential institution in the formation of the whole person. We expect that parents be actively engaged in the daily education, training, and discipleship of their child. We seek to foster a
culture of family, which welcomes and embraces God-given diversity from within our local community. In addition, we hold the expectation that families be actively engaged in a local congregation – acknowledging God’s plan for nourishing and upholding the family unit.

EXHIBIT SERVANT LEADERSHIP [Micah 6:8; Mark 10:43-45; 1 John 2:6; Galatians 5:22-23]

  • Walk humbly before God and their fellow man
  • Use their God-given gifts with confidence in service to their neighbors and the world
  • Are engaged in a personal relationship with Christ
  • Walk in the joyful confidence of the forgiveness of their sins and seek to actively
    share the hope within them.

We value the development of Servant Leadership by our living under the Lordship of Christ. We demonstrate servant leadership by loving and serving those in our homes, our churches, our communities, our nation and our world, just as Christ loved and served. We live out our witness of
the Christian faith in a fallen world and in every area of life (vocation). We contribute to that which is true, good, and beautiful for the benefit of our culture and our world. We carry out our lives before God and the world with wisdom, integrity, valor and humility.


  • Understand how God encompasses all knowledge: math, logic, literature, art, music, science, physical education, and history.
  • Express knowledge and present reasoned arguments in a way that is both edifying to society and glorifying to God.
  • Know our Creator by fully understanding the world around us.
  • Express themselves in a cohesive, articulate, and persuasive manner.

We value the Classical Approach as demonstrated by our belief in Classical education, which has been practiced for more than 2,000 years as the most e[ective means to educate and develop the whole person. We model education in the Classical method as established in the Trivium.

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