Another Christian school?

Is Abiding Savior Academy just another Christian school? Abiding Savior Academy is a distinctively classical Christian culture intent on glorifying God as we help our students develop into influential Christian leaders. But is that any different than any other Christian school? Is a classical Christian school simply one that teaches Bible and Latin? “Classical” and […]
Matters of the Heart Matter Most
“I am running out of time.” Anyone else feel the daily time crunch? Maybe you scramble to do that “one more thing” before picking up your kids from school. Or you’re in the perpetual race to fit in one more work task between meetings, only to realize that your to do list grew as the […]
Academy Culture: Cultivating Mind, Body, and Spirit
My favorite short film is called “The Butterfly Circus.” This film, set during the Great Depression, is a story of a renowned circus troupe traveling around America to lift the spirits of audiences along the way. The plot centers particularly on one man – a limbless man named Will. He meets the ringmaster of The […]
Why Classical Christian Education?
“Why don’t my students have basic facts memorized?” As a sixth-grade teacher, year after year I was asking myself this question and the answer was coming up short. I wanted them to know the building blocks — basic history, parts of speech, and math facts to name a few — but many didn’t have these facts […]